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Can Teen Workers File Workers’ Comp Claims in California?

Can Teen Workers File Workers’ Comp Claims in California?

Many injured teen workers in California might wonder whether they can file workers’ comp claims. A workplace accident can be distressing for the whole family, especially if it injures a minor. What kinds of rights do teen workers have in California? How can you hold an employer accountable for exposing your teen to dangerous conditions?

These are questions you may want to ask your San Bernardino County workers’ compensation lawyer. Moga Law Firm has helped many families pursue compensation over the years, and we know how dangerous work can be for teens. Our established workers’ compensation law firm has been assisting injured employees for over 25 years. Speak with Scot Moga, an experienced workers’ comp attorney, today to learn more about teen worker injuries. 

Teens Can File Workers’ Comp Lawyers Too

Just like adult workers, teens have the right to file workers’ compensation claims if they become injured on the job. As long as the teen is classified as an “employee,” they have various rights under the workers’ comp program. That being said, parents may assist their teens in filing claims after injuries.

Some teens may be classified as independent contractors rather than employees. For example, many food delivery workers are independent contractors in California. There are many other examples of contracting work in the “gig economy,” and teens may be attracted to these positions due to their flexibility. 

Teen Workers Have Additional Rights in California

While teens have the same right to file workers’ compensation claims, they also have additional rights under California law. Generally speaking, teens in California cannot perform dangerous tasks. Specifically, they are not allowed to work with hazardous materials, engage in roofing work, or work late into the night. They are also prohibited from driving or working in logging operations. 

If an employer knowingly exposes teens to these dangerous work conditions, they may face legal action. A lawsuit may occur outside of the workers’ compensation system, especially if the family can prove gross negligence. This may be something worth discussing alongside your attorney after a teen accident. 

Lost Wages Can Be Significant After a Teen Work Injury

A teen may suffer significant lost wages after a serious workplace injury. Workers’ comp covers all the wages you miss while you recover – but sometimes your recovery period never truly ends. Permanent disabilities end a teen’s working career before it truly begins, and it is important to pursue maximum compensation in this scenario. 

For example, a 15-year-old who suffers a major disability while working may face 50 years of lost income (since most people retire around the age of 65). This could amount to many millions of dollars. 

Contact an Established Workers’ Compensation Law Firm Today

Although parents might feel shocked to learn that their teen has been injured at work, workers’ compensation lawyers in San Bernardino can help. The truth is that teens have exactly the same right to workers’ comp as anyone else. Contact experienced workers’ comp attorneys at Moga Law Firm by calling 909-931-2444 to discuss your legal options today.

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