Construction Accidents: What You Should Do After a Workplace Injury
The construction industry is incredibly dangerous. Sadly, the risk of injury while on a construction site is greater than in any other workplace industry. Every moment a worker spends on a construction site, he or she runs the risk of serious injury. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration, or OSHA, reports that one in five worker deaths in 2018 occurred in the construction industry. Even when a construction worker does not sustain fatal injuries, the risk of sustaining serious, life-altering injuries is significantly higher than other industries.
Even as the construction industry is known as one of the most dangerous professions, workers who are employed in this industry have a right to a safe work environment. When an accident occurs, the injured worker will likely be able to obtain compensation for medical expenses through a workers’ compensation claim. In some cases, however, filing a personal injury claim may offer further compensation when the workers’ injuries have resulted in catastrophic injuries.
If you have been injured while working in a construction site, protecting your right to compensation is very important. Whether you are seeking to obtain coverage through a workers compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit, taking the following steps can safeguard your right to fair compensation.
Obtaining a Medical Evaluation Right Away
After a construction site injury, the first and most important priority of an injured worker is to obtain a medical evaluation. Most construction site injuries are visible, but some accidents can result in internal injuries. According to OSHA, one of the most dangerous accidents for a construction worker are falls. The agency reports that out of 1,008 construction-related deaths in 2018, 338 of those fatal injuries occurred as a result of a fall. This amounted to about 33 percent of construction-related deaths in 2018. Workers who suffer a fall accident, especially from a high location, run the risk of sustaining internal injuries that can be difficult to identify without a medical evaluation.
Obtaining a medical evaluation is also an integral component of a successful claim. By promptly seeking medical care, a medical record will be established. Whether a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury claim is being filed, a medical record will ensure there is no question raised over the existence of the injury.
Notifying the Workplace Employer
When a workers’ compensation claim is being filed, it is important to notify the employer as soon as the workplace injury occurred. Unless a medical emergency occurred, it may be necessary to notify the employer before seeking medical treatment. Many employers have physicians they refer injured workers to as this is part of their medical provider network. Nonetheless, it is important to injured workers to report the injury within a month of the injury, or benefits provided by workers’ compensation may be revoked.
Speak to a Knowledgeable Construction Accident Attorney
Workers in the State of California can obtain coverage for medical expenses when they are injured while at work. Although workers’ compensation benefits are provided shortly after the accident to help injured workers pay for medical treatment right away, many injured workers face challenges after the benefits have been provided. One of the difficulties faced is that workers are not provided sufficient compensation. The second challenge is that many employers or their insurers work to deny the worker eligibility for benefits.
If you have been injured in a construction site accident, discuss your case with a knowledgeable attorney. Whether you are pursuing a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit, a skilled attorney will ensure you obtain the highest compensation available.
Attorney Scot T. Moga has many years of experience handling construction accident cases. With experience in both workers’ compensation claims and personal injury lawsuits, Attorney Moga understands what is needed to help injured construction workers obtain a maximum compensation. After a construction-related injury, consider obtaining the support of Attorney Scot T. Moga. Schedule your free initial consultation today.

Scot Thomas Moga, a dedicated attorney in San Bernardino & Riverside Counties who represents clients in the many types of personal injury, workers’ compensation and estate planning cases.