Why an Advance Health Care Directive is Important
It is not possible to always foresee when you may run into a major health problem. Most people believe it will never happen to them, but we know that is not true. It is important to prepare for these situations ahead of time. These are the types of things people do not want to think about but later realize how important these decisions are. Take the first step by creating an advance health care directive that will outline your medical treatment choices if you become unable to make decisions because of illness or incapacity. Be prepared beforehand and save yourself from wishing you had done things sooner.
What is an Advance Health Care Directive?
A good start to prepare in the event you encounter a medical condition or emergency that leaves you unable to make decisions for yourself is an advance health care directive. If you are unable to make decisions for yourself due to illness or incapacity, this legal document will allow you to clearly state what actions should be taken regarding your health by providing instructions for your treatment. The doctors will use your advance health care directive as a roadmap in managing your care. A directive is often accompanied by a separate document, a power of attorney, that names the person you authorize to make decisions on your behalf.
What Types of Issues Does an Advance Health Care Directive Cover?
The advance health care directive covers what kind of life-support treatments you may or may not want at the end of life. This includes deciding if you wish to have life support treatments that may prolong your life and what exact types of medical life support treatments you want. Every person has different wishes on what type of medical treatments he or she would like when his or her life is ending. It is important to make those intentions clear by completing an advance health care directive.
Which Life Support Treatment is Best for You?
As with most things, life support treatments have positive and negative attributes. For example, choosing to allow a medical device to aid breathing allows you the ability to breathe if you are unable to, but this leaves you at risk for infections that can later lead to pneumonia. It is important that you are fully aware of the benefits and risks concerning different life support treatments.
Seek an Estate Planning Lawyer to Help You
Since this is a legally binding document, you seek the assistance of an attorney to create and fill out this form. The attorneys at Moga Law Firm are experienced in helping people complete an advance health care directive and fully comprehend the results of their choices. They will ensure that your advanced health care directive is legally executed. You can trust an Inland Empire estate planning lawyer to help you navigate this difficult area and meet all your medical directive planning needs. Schedule your free consultation today to protect your future medical wishes.

Scot Thomas Moga, a dedicated attorney in San Bernardino & Riverside Counties who represents clients in the many types of personal injury, workers’ compensation and estate planning cases.